Students had to develop in a workshop a strategy and alternative against the emerging aberration of detached housing in the Emmental’s (CH) rural landscape. They were reflecting on projects with a synthesis based on modern and traditional technics, where the historical matured act of the Japanese tea tradition here “à la Bernoise” could lead to a new symbiosis. They developped a tea pavillon in the natural environment of the « Napf », a rural site in the Emmental. All this is combined in designing a cup for herbal tea, that is concentrating the spatial thought and extenting the intrinsic atmosphere in the pavillon.

Contributors: Terunobu Fujimori (tea house architect), Naoto Fukasawa (product designer), Manabu Chiba (head of architecture Tokyo University)

Lectures and project team: Marco Bakker (architect), Tim Kammasch (philosopher), Annette Spindler (architect), Sabine Leuthold (product designer), Photos © Marco Bakker, Sabine Leuthold

Client: Berne University of Applied Sciences